Lululemon Factory Outlet

Who doesn't love factory outlets? And if it's Lululemon, it's valid to hyper-ventilate in excitement (yeah, I totally get that!).

I've seen the signs around this area before but it was not till yesterday that I finally got to check the Lululemon Factory Outlet in Burnaby. I wanted to come in and see what deals I could get as I seriously needed dance outfits (but deep inside, I vowed NOT to leave without any loot - hehe!). And boy, did I pick the perfect time! Ample parking space and lots of goodies!!! As soon as I walked in, the girl at the front of the store informed me that anything $39 and above would have additional $10 off per item - how sweet was that? 

And tell me about this, does it ever occur to you how really friendly ALL Lululemon associates are? They're seriously, extremely friendly!!! I guess the endorphins they produce really work ;) The girl at the cash wrap area even told me that she's the one behind their Facebook page and she regularly updates the page about good deals at the factory store. And oh, do you know they have free yoga lessons at the store on Saturday mornings the whole month this December?

So how did I do, you ask? I really did good (and some serious credit card damage!). Armed with 1 crop, 1 tights, and 4 tanks later (I had to pass on a really nice wrap though), I came out of the factory store one really happy Lululemon-girl.

FYI: they are open for Boxing Day from 8AM to 8PM - see you there!

Factory Outlet feature image
This nondescript Lululemon store is Burnaby's best-kept secret!


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