O, Christmas Tree!

Perhaps there is no other Christmas decor that is more delightful to the eye than the Christmas tree (okay, I guess the Pinoy parol is a close contender).  When we were kids, we used to have a white Christmas tree, while everyone else we knew had the green ones.

When we moved to the US about 11 years ago, I had my very first glimpse (and smell) of a real evergreen pine Christmas tree. 

Artificial or real, green or white, grand or little - there are so many kinds of Christmas tree nowadays. While I'm happy with our 7-feet spruce tree, my childhood days are beckoning and am dreaming of a white christmas tree to don our home someday (soon!).

Love ko 'to: Contemporary

I've always wanted to have another Christmas tree in our bedroom, 
this one would be perfect!

So sweet and whimsical! Perfect for my girls :)

Modern and unique

So posh! Uhm, you KNOW I'm referring to the tree right?! Not the DOG ;)

Classic and colorful


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